ubuntu使用3.5G網卡_bandluxe-c120 ( 9.04 9.10適用 )

這次寒假回南部,因為老家並沒有裝設網路,所以就在台北租了一台3.5G無線網卡,怕訊號不好,所以使用中華電信的系統,本來以為會租給我ubuntu下最容易使用的E220,結果卻是Bandluxe C120。 

當然啦,windows XP下面不會有問題,結果我在ubuntu 9.10下面卻是一直失敗。

上網看了一下,發現有人說 ubuntu 9.04可以順利執行






sudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf

將 managed=false 改成 managed=true 之後存檔離開。


PS:每更新一次核心都要做一次,因為會更改/lib/modules/核心編號/modules.alias 這個檔案。 


I am using Ubuntu 8.10 with the latest updates in a Sony Vaio VGN-SR150A.

I managed to configure and use the HDSPA USB 3G modem from Bandrich,

the Bandluxe C120, adapting a configuration script made by the maker

of this USB card for the Eee PC. You can download all the files from

this link




and click download. 


You get a file named


EeePC patch.zip


Uncompress it and you get two pdf files and another compressed file




Uncompress this file too. You should get a directory named bandluxe-eeepc.


Inside you have a script eeepc3g.sh.


Do not run this script just yet!

Unless you are using a Eee PC with the version of the

gnu-linux operating system that is shipped from Asus!


This script reads


============FILE eeepc3g.sh====================================





MODDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`


echo "Backup file modules.alias"

cp -v ${MODDIR}/modules.alias ./modules-eeepc.alias

echo "Patching file modules.alias"

sed -f vidpid.sed ./modules-eeepc.alias > ${MODDIR}/modules.alias 



echo "Unload the kernel module"

/sbin/rmmod option


echo "Backup file option.ko"

cp -v ${MODDIR}/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/option.ko ./option-eeepc.ko 

echo "Add support of Bandluxe Data Card"

cp -v option-bandluxe.ko ${MODDIR}/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/option.ko 


echo "Rules for auto switch from CDROM to Modem"

cp -vf 10-bandluxe.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/10-bandluxe.rules


mkdir -p /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/20thirdparty/

cp -vf bandluxe.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/20thirdparty/bandluxe.fdi


============END of FILE eeepc3g.sh====================================


You should comment everything which is kernel-specific, as follows,

and save it in a new file named say "Bandluxe-c120.sh" IN THE SAME

DIRECTORY bandluxe-eeepc.


==================FILE Bandluxe-c120.sh=============================




MODDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`


echo "Backup file modules.alias"

cp -v ${MODDIR}/modules.alias ./modules-eeepc.alias

echo "Patching file modules.alias"

sed -f vidpid.sed ./modules-eeepc.alias > ${MODDIR}/modules.alias 



#echo "Unload the kernel module"

#/sbin/rmmod option


#echo "Backup file option.ko"

#cp -v ${MODDIR}/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/option.ko ./option-eeepc.ko 

#echo "Add support of Bandluxe Data Card"

#cp -v option-bandluxe.ko ${MODDIR}/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/option.ko 


echo "Rules for auto switch from CDROM to Modem"

cp -vf 10-bandluxe.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/10-bandluxe.rules


mkdir -p /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/20thirdparty/

cp -vf bandluxe.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/20thirdparty/bandluxe.fdi


==============End of File Bandluxe-c120.sh=============================


If you just edited the file with gedit, then it will remain an executable

file and you can just run it with


cd "path to bandluxe-eeepc"

sudo ./Bandluxe-c120.sh


The script now just adds some rules for the system udev to recognize the

Bandluxe C120 USB device, let it open the modem devices /dev/ttyUSBx 

where x depends on the installed hardware of your machine,

but when the Bandluxe tries to identify itself as a CDROM the udev system

sends a kind of sleep signal and ignores this device. It keeps the other

ttyUSBx devices open however, and this enables one to then connect to the

modem through either gnome-ppp or kppp or even NetworkManager in 

Ubuntu 9.04.


I cannot put this 3G USB modem to work through NetworkManager in my Ubuntu 8.10, I can only use it through gnome-ppp (you need probably

to install gnome-ppp with synaptic first) as follows.


Create a Laucher on your desktop clicking the right mouse buttom on

the background of the desktop and select "Create Launcher". In the

window that opens choose Application, give it a name to appear in your

desktop, click on the icon on the upper left of the window to choose some

icon for the desktop, and on the command entry form write


gksudo gnome-ppp


since we have to open the gnome frontend to ppp with root privileges.

Click ok and you shoudl have a new icon on your desktop. Double-click it,

enter your password and then gnome-ppp window opens.


Write the unsername and passwork of your 3G connection, then the

phone number to dial (should be something like *99#, depending on

the GSM operator) and then click on SETUP.


Here you should write \dev\ttyUSBx where x=0,1,2,… on the DEVICE entry field, depending on your hardware — you should use lsusb or dmesg to find out which is the right number for you (more on this below). Then


TYPE choose Analog Modem

Speed: choose the highest 460800


then click on "Init Strings" and enter the following


Inti2 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","www address of your provider"

Init3 = at+cgatt=1

Init4 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0


On the Networking tab choose Dynamic IP address and you may choose also

Automatic DNS. I prefer to use Open DNS, so I click Manual DNS and enter


DNS1 =

DNS2 =


On the options tab I selected:


Abort connecting if no dialtone

Check carrier line

Check default route

Ignore terminal strings (stupid mode)




Idle time is set to 0 (disabled).


You can close the window and get back to the gnome-ppp window.


Now, plug-in the C120 USB and wait some 15 seconds. Then click

Connect on the small gnome-ppp window. You should be online in no time.


The setup of the gnome-ppp is kept between sessions so you should

make this setup only once.


Finally, to find out which /dev/ttyUSBx to write in the device form above,

I did this: pluged the USB modem C120, waited half a minute, open a terminal and entered "dmesg". The last few lines are


[128169.940927] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4

[128170.108853] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

[128170.112856] scsi11 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices

[128170.113735] usb-storage: device found at 4

[128170.113740] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning

[128170.122409] option 4-1:1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected

[128170.122565] usb 4-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0

[128170.133087] option 4-1:1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected

[128170.133177] usb 4-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1


The last lines show that I got two new devices





I use /dev/ttyUSB1 on the devices form field of the gnome-ppp setup.

It works well and fast!


Hope this helps you folks here! 

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